A review by witandsin
For Olympus' Sake by Shayla Kersten


Stephen Liatos’s career is at a stand-still. Practically exiled to an already excavated ruin, his dreams have long-since given way to cynicism. At least until his gorgeous new intern, Alex, claims he knows the site of the mythical Aphrodite’s necklace. But their discovery of the necklace changes Stephen’s life in ways he never expected when he suddenly finds himself in the realm of Hades.

Alex might have desired Stephen, but his priority is his mission to retrieve Aphrodite’s necklace and return it to the goddess. His assignment takes an unforeseen turn when he accidentally brings Stephen back to the gods’ ancient realm with him. What’s more, Alex didn’t make it to Olympus, as expected. Alex has to get both Stephen and the necklace out of Hades, but to reach safety the two men have to make it past the dangerous, lustful residents of the Underworld.

I always look forward to a new book by Shayla Kersten, so it was somewhat of a disappointment that I didn’t love For Olympus’ Sake. The backdrop Greek mythology was exciting and both heroes were enticing, so the basic elements of the story worked in its favor. Yet, Ms. Kersten seems to have not capitalized on the fantastic ingredients of her book. Instead, For Olympus’ Sake was bogged down with endless, free-for-all sexual encounters, the majority of them not between the heroes. It was a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, so to speak, which didn’t work for me. Perhaps if it had been balanced by more alone-time between Alex and Stephen I would not have minded so much. I yearned to see more relationship build-up between the heroes because the love between them seemed to come out of nowhere. Overall, I felt like the romance aspect was short-changed, which was a pity because Ms. Kersten normally writes enchanting love stories.

Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed.