A review by lindsayw
Rush Home Road by Lori Lansens


Rush Home Road is an excellent example of great Canadian fiction. It's been quite a while since I had this much difficulty putting a book down even in the midst of a busy work/school schedule, but this one called to me whenever I wasn't reading it. It's a beautifully written book with not one, but two fabulous stories in it.

I often find when a book flips back and forth between past and present that I greatly prefer one to the other, but Lori Lansens managed to pull off the impressive feat of making both storylines compelling. There were clever little call backs between stories, and the characters were loveable despite their flaws. Addy in particular has several weak moments where she makes questionable decisions, but I still wound up loving her. Sharla could easily have been insufferable (justifiably given her crappy first five years), but she jumps off the page as a sweet and generous child.

My one complaint would maybe be that some of the big plot points that were probably supposed to be plot twists were actually fairly predictable. I saw most of them coming well before they happened, but that's a pretty small complaint in a book that's so well done. And I must say, the ending is beautiful. A great read.