A review by jazminrose
Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity by Peggy Orenstein


I did like this book more than it’s predecessor, ‘Girls and Sex’. And I would recommend it more widely than that book. It felt (mostly) fresher and more modern. But it still had some of the same setbacks.

Again, there was only one chapter about queer boys, rather than weaving this information throughout. (Though this one chapter was immensely improved from the similar chapter about girls in the author’s other book.) And again, too many of the boys interviewed were white and middle class.

Don’t even get me started on how much I wish there was more discussion of ethical porn!!

The final chapter also grated on me. I agree beyond any doubt that parents must talk to their children about sex. However, Orenstein frames this as being especially important because boys liked learning from her, a stranger, so imagine what they’ll learn from a parent. She also mentions outside educators coming into classrooms instead of information coming from parents. But we know that teens learn more and retain more about sexual health from outside educators! The data shows they feel more comfortable and are more willing to ask questions when the educator is not someone they know in their personal life! AHHHHHHHHGGG!!