A review by alexblackreads
Baby Doll by Hollie Overton


Okay wow I wanted this to be good, but this was a one sitting read. It had my heart racing in the first five pages and I was captivated. I really enjoyed this. Just thoroughly. Could not make myself put it down. It was dark and emotional. If I'm being honest, at times I did find the dialogue a bit unrealistic and the characters seemed melodramatic, but I didn't care while reading. When the story is good, everything else is just details.

The one thing that did bother me was how abortion was treated. Every time a character used the word murder or killed in the same sentence as abortion (which was quite often), I cringed. Especially when the mother was concerned her daughter's soul might be in danger if she got an abortion. It was entirely unnecessary to the story and just awful to read. But overall, I did still really enjoy this book despite that. It was enough to make me hesitant about picking up her future books, though. I might perhaps do more research on the author before immediately trying her second novel.

I'm loosely considering this a thriller, but it's more like an intense drama. I wouldn't disagree with calling this a thriller, but I did go in knowing it was more drama than thriller, and I think that helped my enjoyment.