A review by catly
Doorways in the Sand by Roger Zelazny


I recalled that when I was 14 or 15, I read a book in which one of the characters was a talking marmoset who smoked cigarettes and another was a kangaroo, but I could not for the life of me remember what it was called or who had written it. It was driving me crazy, because I knew I'd loved the story at the time. It took a little internet searching to find Doorways in the Sand. Re-reading it, 45 years later, was a lot of fun. It is dated, filled with cigarettes and public telephone booths, and naturally reflects a 1970s view of male-female relationships. It is still funny and wildly imaginative - some might say hallucinogenic. The story follows the plight of a perpetual college student who's afflicted with a mysterious inner voice. Fast-paced, surprising, engaging all the way. Would make a good movie.