A review by nebula402
Members Only by Sameer Pandya


This book was sent to me by the publisher in exchange for a review, but all thoughts are my own.

This was just OK for me and I had a hard time figuring out why. It was well written with complex characters and difficult topics, all of which I really enjoy. I did enjoy the book, but I wasn't blown away. The author tried to tackle too many large subjects at once, so they all fell flat.

The story starts with Raj's dumb, offensive joke igniting a smoldering fire of systemic racism. That part was very interesting and I wanted to see how Raj's interpersonal relationships changed. It also would have been really interesting to see how it affected his wife and children.

But partway through the book the focus shifts to Raj's teaching and a group of right-wing students trying to get him fired. That could have been an interesting area to explore: the growing conservative movement and far-right loud-mouth agitators.

If the author had picked either the tennis club or the college protests as the main focus of the book, I would have liked it more. But having both large topics meant that they weren't covered as well or as thoroughly as they deserved.