A review by girlwithhearteyes
Sustained by Emma Chase


4.5 stars 

Jake was such a crass manwhore, and I really wanted to push his head into a wall during the third act conflict, but... I have to admit I was won over by how he showed up again and again for Chelsea and her 6 (yes, 6!!) nieces and nephews. 

It was also fun to read a romance that was completely from the MMC’s POV, even if he was kind of emotionally stunted 😅. A lot of laugh out loud moments — my favourite was the Mommy and Me playtime, or maybe the similarities between legal defense strategy and sisterly squabbles. Quite a few emotional moments too, but through the lens of someone who has pushed down a lot of those emotions. Sebastian York did well on the audiobook. 

You might be wondering why I even like this book, but I think Emma Chase can make me like anything…