A review by deborahplace
Drum Roll, Please by Lisa Jenn Bigelow


LGBT middle grade novels are so important. I've already went on and on about this before in past reviews, but they are. For young and old readers.

I love that the main drama was Melly's parent's divorce and not her relationship with Adeline. (There was some drama about that too, but it wasn't omg am i gay?? drama which is refreshing!) Instead, the support and care Melly received from Adeline to help her through camp and beyond was amazing to behold. Communication! Respect! Boundaries! Support! All shown in this relationship and it makes me happy for young queer kids and teens to have a positive example like this.

I love how music and especially drums were Melly's constructive outlet and catharsis. Melly really comes into her own on the drums and learns how to take up space and finds her voice. Believable, heart warming, personal growth. My weakness and joy!

Definitely adding this to the list of LGBT middle grade books I need to buy.