A review by celtic67
Sins of the Father by Sharon Bairden


What a creepy cover. The more you look at it the more it tells you about the world you are about to enter, Be prepared!
Sharon has conjured up a dark, twisted claustrophobic tale. A tale that slithers its way into your psyche and makes you glad you have no such demons in your life. Or do you? I hope not for your sake.
Rebecca is a product of a broken home and many failed foster homes. Foster homes that have failed because of the demons in her head. Demons that drown out Rebecca's will and tell her what to do!
Lucas is the son of a paedophile, initially despising his father's lifestyle is fascinated by it. He is initiated into this lifestyle by his father and initially repulsed strangely finds himself enjoying it. Though in later life he tries to make amends and keep his past a secret.
Lucas and Rebecca, two broken people are drawn to each other and marry. An unholy alliance because one is out to destroy the other.
The opening of this novel really sets the tone. It is dark, creepy and evil.
You will find yourself loathing the two main characters and in turns feeling sorry for one or the other. And that is just the main two. There are plenty of evil people in this book.
As I said Sharon has written a dark and evil psychological thriller. Top quality writing and well fleshed and believable characters.
I know Sharon personally and I wonder how such a sweet and nice person can conjure up such an evil book!
I will need to watch my back when next in her company. Only kidding. Highly recommended to all who like their books on the dark side!