A review by chrissymcbooknerd
The Vagina Book: An Owner's Manual for Taking Care of Your Down There by Thinx


It's been so long since I've accepted an ARC for review, so I figured a book about vaginas written by a company selling special period underwear was as good a choice as any for diving back into book reviews. Although I wasn't originally familiar with Thinx, a quick browse of the company's website definitely opened my curiosity, although I'm not sure how likely I am to try these... unique.... products in the near future.

Anyways, I initially thought The Vagina Book might be intended for much younger readers, like the awkward books your mother pushes under the door around age 11 that awkwardly discuss arm pit hair and picking your first maxi pads .... but a quick flip to the chapter showing the best positions for period sex quickly changed my mind on the intended audience. I assume this book is more targeted to a slightly older crowd, mostly seeking validation and inclusivity more so than novel facts, as I think the personal stories that relate to the audience are probably a much bigger selling point than the facts (none of which are particularly new or earth-shattering). It was a nice touch to have authentically candid stories from well-known voices like YouTuber Ingrid Nilsen, who related her struggles balancing her emotional health during her menstrual cycle, making a familiar topic feel more relatable and a little less taboo.

The book focuses a lot on inclusivity of size, gender, and sexuality, which ventured into a little more politics than I was expecting. Again, there's probably nothing that you've never heard somewhere else here, but it's convenient and easy to have such an easily accessible collection of voices speaking on such a wide topic of women's issues.

*I did receive an ARC copy of this book for the purposes of providing an honest review. The manner in which the work was received did not influence my thoughts or opinions on the book.