A review by theorybox
Shadows of the Dark Crystal #1 by J. M. Lee


Especially having seen the Age of Resistance show first, I can say this series (which came before the show and built the foundations for it) more than stands up to it. Even knowing some of the twists already, this book made me feel all the highs and lows and makes me so thankful that I have all three sequels from my library, ready to go.

Lee does an incredible job world building off of what was already built by Jim Henson, Brian Froud, and others who have crafted the world of Thra, and this feels like a triumphant love letter to all of it. I don’t think that this is a book that can be easily taken up by someone who has not already watched the movie, and I’m not sure how much might be gained or lost by a person who has not also read the Creation Myth volumes. That being said, if you love Thra, this book is a must read.