A review by matamgirl
Four Children and It by Jacqueline Wilson


I was a little unsure about this at first because I am very fond of "Five Children and It" and much less fond of Jacqueline Wilson. That sounded wrong. I am not unfond of Jacqueline Wilson but "Five Children and It" is a favorite book of mine. The premise of a wish-granting sand fairy is something that can be adapted to modern children and it was interesting to see how that was done. Modern children would wish for things like being famous.

The actual children themselves well this is something that I noticed because I have read a lot of Jacqueline Wilson books in the past and I am an adult. There appear to be two types of children in these books, the shy, mousy, retiring children and the brash, bold, loud children. Our narrator Rosalind is the first type and her stepsister Smash is the second type. Of course I did actually go back and reread "Five Children and It" after I finished this and I guess at least these children have characteristics because the original children, Robert, Cyril, Anthea and Jane really do not.

I did like this overall though because it was a nice story about learning about what is truly important and making the best of less than ideal situations.

Oh and I have no idea if this is available in the US. I read an e-book purchased on a British Nook.