A review by readwitray
Forever Inn Love by Erin Branscom


I love Freedom Valley series. This book will tug on your heart strings.

Callie has just came back from Freedom Valley after 12 years of being away. Now she is back to be a doctor at the local hospital but her boyfriend who left without a word is also back.

Freedom Valley is the hometown that you want to live in. I love every single book in this series. Every one has their own personal and unique story to go along with this.

This book in the series doesn’t have much spice as it is a second chance romance and has more fade to black scenes then spice.

This book is more about them fixing and building their relationship after 12 years of being apart. I love seeing all the past characters and how they connect with the main characters.

Also Erin.. girl Sam needs his own loves story. Just saying….

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