A review by pioneer
Twisted Together by Pepper Winters


To tears in the first damn chapter to laughing uncontrollably the next, this series really knows how to get me going, and Pepper Winters is a damn genius when it comes to creating characters you get extremely attached to and fall in love with. Such a deep story and soul crushing events, this book got me flipping the pages endlessly.

Q. Just Q. Nothing but Q. Only Q.

“Je suis à toi. Je suis ton monstre dans le noir pour toujours.”

Such a beautiful story.

I legit cried plenty of times. And I literally exploded in laughter at Q’s inner thoughts. What a mind he possess...

This book is incredibly powerful and affects a person in every way: to experience the gruesome.

Soul-wrenching heart attacks thanks to Q.

I just want to express so much that Q legit gives me life, he saved me in a different way. His and Tess’s love taught me there is nothing you wouldn’t do for love, for they killed for one another and healed each other when they were so far gone.

58. What a beautiful number. Gorgeous. This number itself... oh my lord.


Beauty exists in pain.



