A review by drops_everything_and_reads
Jasmine and Jake Rock the Boat by Sonya Lalli


Huge thank you to Berkley for an advance copy via NetGalley as part of a #JoyfulChaosBookClub buddy read!

Jasmine and Jake Rock the Boat is a lovely, fun book about two younger people (late 20s/early 30s) who find themselves on an Alaskan cruise as part of a senior's group, which includes their parents, aunts and uncles, and other members of their extended Sikh community. The book is told from Jasmine's POV.

Jasmine has just broken up with her long-time boyfriend for the third time and despite being broke, goes on the trip to spite her parents who prefer to spend time with Jasmine's younger sister than their oldest 'bad girl' daughter. On the cruise, she reunites with Jake, whom she had known years before, and is on the cruise with his father.

Over the course of the cruise, Jasmine and Jake spend a lot of time together, first by accident and then because they are growing more and more attracted to each other. However, Jasmine desperately wants to get her life back in order, and Jake has a bit of growing up to do as he vacillates between being a 'bro boy' and a thoughtful man who has just graduated law school. Both of them need to figure out some things before they can even think seriously about acting on their mutual attraction and date each other.

Overall, I really liked this book. The author did a great job of showing the messiness of being an adult, that we don't all have our sh!t together, and that it takes work to be different and not repeat destructive habits.

There was lots of humour sprinkled throughout, which helped to balance out the more serious discussions that took place. I was laughing at various scenes, especially when both Jasmine and Jake were in on the joke.

This is definitely a slow burn book, with Jasmine and Jake taking their time before committing to being in a romantic relationship with each other. I think this approach really serves the story well and allows for their individual growth, and for Jasmine in particular to nurture her relationship with her parents.

I will definitely be seeking out other books by the author to read after enjoying this one so much!