A review by ponch22
Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card


Listened to the audio version of [b:Ender's Game|375802|Ender's Game (Ender's Saga, #1)|Orson Scott Card|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1408303130l/375802._SY75_.jpg|2422333] years ago, but it was just after watching the film that made me want to finally dig out this "parallel novel."

Anyone who knows the original story may remember a small (in more ways than one) character, named Bean. This is his story.

From his days as an urchin on the streets of Rotterdam through the armies of Battle School we've already seen, to a new perspective of the final "training" sessions Ender led against Bugger armies, we have another great story about a world relying on its children to survive.

Bean is hyper-intelligent and he often knows more than the adults realize and it's a great look at stuff we already knew. The final few chapters did have a LOT of internal struggle while Bean debated how much he knew/inferred/could handle. It was a little too repetitive in this finale but overall, it was great to revisit Battle School with a new protagonist. It's very interesting to have someone else to root for. I knew how the story ended, but I kept wondering how things could have turned out if the adults would have chosen Bean to be their hero. It's almost as if [a:J.K. Rowling|1077326|J.K. Rowling|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1596216614p2/1077326.jpg] had written seven follow up novels from Neville's point of view, showing his home life and struggle to come to terms with possibly being the Chosen One.