A review by bethreadsandnaps
Most Likely by Sarah Watson


This book of 4 friends during senior year has a lot of diverse elements while staying true to its core of female friendship. Ava, who is Latinx, deals with depression and wanting to find her biological mom. She is an artist. CJ wants to go to Stanford but has mediocre SAT scores. Martha, descendent of Martha Washington, is determining her sexuality. And Jordan, half-black, is a social justice warrior. When the book opens, we find that one of them is going to be inaugurated as President a few decades into the future. All we know is that she has married a guy with the same last name as a boy Logan that is in all of their lives. Which one marries Logan? Which one becomes President? Then we flashback to senior year and see how it all unfolds.

This novel shows what female supportiveness can be, how you root for your friend's success and get up to all sort of hijinks to help your friend. Logan mixes and mingles with all four girls, and you're never quite sure how this will end. Once I realized that it is a series, I was worried we wouldn't find out who is who until a future book. Glad to know that the reader is not in suspense. 

This is the second book that I have read that is written before the pandemic, so when it goes to 2020 (this time, April), the world is as it was in 2019. I can't remember what the other book was that I read that did that. No biggie, but I think it's worth noting. 

All in all, I enjoyed the message of this book. All four girls didn't lament their plight. They got off their butts and experienced life, tried things, and put themselves out there.