A review by nouranato
What Happened to Zeeko by Emily Nasrallah


If you haven’t heard or read about Lebanon war this might give you an insight of it (this is directed for the young readers leaving out the history facts that we all know). The Lebanese war was one of the worst wars ever done. War is nasty but this war was unfair. What was happening behind the curtains; in the backstages who was orchestrating this war, who was the reason for this war to even begin. All of it all of it was unfair. Innocent lives were lost for the wrong reasons, for nothing.

This book might have given just an insight of that war but you Need to Read about the Lebanon war, you need to educate yourself about the details of that war about the ‘Sabra and Shatila massacre’ yes Sabra you know the name that marvel choose for their isR*lin ‘superhero’, ironic right ?. I couldn’t help but feel great sadness by reading this book because it just brings back the details of that terrible war.

The author wrote: “the past may be a warning for generations to come” and she is right, with the world we live in rn. It wouldn’t be a surprise to see a war like this and worse over again. Educate yourself about the Violations that this country had to withstand, read about sabra and Shatila camps and the siege of Beirut. see for yourself how countries side and how that people who aren’t white or blue eyed or blonde are treated as non-humans. Just like what’s happening right now with refugees… etc.