A review by bhnmt61
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn


Although this book started off slowly, once the first plot twist is revealed, I was riveted--absolutely fascinated--right up until the end. This is the first book of Flynn's I've read, and although I don't usually enjoy creepy psychological cat-and-mouse type books, this one is so beautifully written and fully imagined that I was enthralled. Flynn is one hell of a storyteller.

But the ending ruined it for me. I can get into a creepy ending as much as the next person, as long as it WORKS, but this one just wasn't believable. The only way it would have worked is if there were no loopholes, no loose ends, and a believable threat. Instead, there were half a dozen loopholes and loose ends, faulty logic, and a threat that would just flat-out not happen in real life. That's all I can say without spoilers. Very disappointing. Since the rest of it was so well done, I was really hoping she would knock it out of the park, but instead she went for pulling the proverbial rabbit out of a hat. I'm not sure if I'll read another book of Flynn's or not.