A review by lezreadalot
Takeover by Anna Zabo


If they were doomed to fall, he might as well make it a controlled descent.

This was fun; the story of a chance hook up that turns into something more when both guys return from vacation and realise they'll be working with one another. Even worse, Sam is Michael's new boss. Extremely sexy, great chemistry. The plot outside of the romance revolves around a tech company, our protagonists' attempts to save it, as well as butting heads with a malignant industry rival. Not especially interesting, but I mean, I was also never bored. The D/s aspects were great (thank god for keeping it in the bedroom), the writing was more than serviceable, and parts of the story were so touching (esp. their backstories).

Where did it fall short for me? Well, this is highly subjective but
SpoilerI just. Really hate when books villainise people who are in the closet, or like if one of the stipulations for being in a relationship is "you have to come out". It makes me so uncomfortable. And to be clear, I don't think it was badly or maliciously done. Michael's closeted ex really was extraordinarily shitty to him. Michael didn't force Sam out of the closet; Sam made that decision for himself. Though I mean, Michael did straight-up say that he wouldn't be in a relationship with someone closeted ever again. Which isn't a bad thing in itself. You can have personal boundaries and limitations! It's just. Always a sore point for me when coming out is posited as the be all and end all, and if you don't do it you're being shitty to yourself and everyone around you. I just don't like it! It makes me feel bad!

That's all.

Oh and I guess the story did move a bit fast and get wrapped up quite quickly.

Good overall. I've been meaning to try this author for a while, and this does make me want to read more of their stuff. 3.5 stars.