A review by magis1105
Timecaster by Joe Kimball


The plotline overall sounded good, the futuristic world, even with all the inconsistencies with the logic of the technology, well you could ignore that a bit and it was still good.
The bad part that is, the nonsense is too much. There are way too many sex scenes that were not necessary at all.
The main character who is a badass who can against all odds pull off stunts no other human being can, ok very typical action movie. The evil genius who is orchestrating it all "behind the scenes" putting the blame on the only man who can stop him, ok again another classic (cliche) still somewhat acceptable. But then a lot of the characters are plain disgusting, the sex is referenced in a bad way, the women just can't seem to resist the main character, he got the girl, the other very few females who are mentioned want him so bad they have to gang rape him, seriously?
There are things that put me off reading mood, the overly mentioned sex being the main one. Also, he seems to be the only good person along with his super hot wife that every other man seems to want (lust over).
I had wanted to read the story because t sounded interesting, a world where there is no more crime, where there are technological advances that allow you to see the past,


The other universes where the multiple possibilities of the same life exist, it all sounded good. I always want to read something along those lines. The good guy being framed, the typical no one but himself and the love of his life know the truth, betrayals from the people the hero trusts.
Even the cliche evil genius kidnaps the loved one and makes the run, the hero must decide if saving the world is most important, and yet... all the other things make it unenjoyable.
This book was just not for me really.