A review by emgraceef
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare


As the first book in the series, I think that Cassandra Clare did an amazing job of introducing both the world and the characters to the reader. The Shadowhunter and Downworlder world seemed to be brought along in a long line of pieces which is one of the factors of how this book gripped onto me as a reader; I wanted more, the world kept developing at each turn of the page and it kept me hooked.

Each of the characters were different. Jace, Clary, Simon, Izzy and Alec all had their own personalities and were beginning to become developed independently already, which is a good sign in the first book of a series.

One thing that I am still unsure about with the book is the flow. It took me quite a while to read, even though I did read this book last year towards the start of my reading, I found it quite slow. Some parts were fast and had intense scenes which as a reader, will feel faster to read but I feel as though it did drag out a little.

Overall though, I did love this book and was glad to have been able to have such a good experience with Cassandra Clare's work.