A review by skylarkochava
Less Doing, More Living: Make Everything in Life Easier by Ari Meisel


A really short, speedy read. Basically a collection of very short blog posts put together in categories. Sounds pretty and like a waste of time, right? NO. It gets to the point and provides several actionable items you can do today to improve your life. I didn't even know some of these things were possible, and I try to stay on top of these ideas. My only beef is that the end notes should really be a resource guide, and not every one listed in the chapter is listed. I knew the guide was in the back, so I read through the book without taking notes, only to discover that not all the resources were listed in the back. But since the book is so short, I could flip through the whole book and check for any I missed. I don't think the book will stand the test of time as new companies enter the marketplace, but the principles may continue to be useful. If you liked this book and haven't read The Four Hour Workweek, you should definitely read that too.