A review by mrsgalvan23
Play Me Hot by Tracy Wolff


Play Me Hot is the second installment in the Play Me series. It literally pick up right where Play Me Wild leaves off.

We learn a little bit more about Aria and Sebastian in this novella. Not only that, but they have some very hot sex. I am not exactly sure if this book would be characterized as BDSM, but there is definitely a dom/sub thing going on. Sebastian says he wants to teach Aria how to be in control of her life, and he plans to do that in the bedroom.

Aria has obviously suffered in the past, and that is where her don't mess with me attitude comes from. Aria is a little messed up after she and Sebastian's intense sexual encounter and she suffers from what Sebastian calls subdrop. I had never heard of this before, but I looked it up and apparently it is something a sub suffers from after an intense sexual encounter, or quite a few of them. I have read other reviews that this term was used incorrectly, but from what I read about it, it was exactly what Aria was experiencing. Sebastian and Aria obviously have an intense connection and you definitely experience that in this book.

Once again the book just ends. I honestly can say I don't get serials like this. That was the only thing that is bothering me about this series so far. Good news is, these books do all release on the same day, as far as I know.

4 stars!

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.