A review by alwaysbooking
Meant to Be Mine by Lisa Marie Perry


This book is the start of a new series by Lisa Marie Perry. This novel is mostly about Sofia and Burke. They have such a complicated back story, that starts to unravel when Sofia comes back to town for her Aunt's funeral.

Let's start with Sofia, she is such a strong character yet she felt naive in certain areas. She has had so many battles when she was younger that she has learned to be strong for herself. The only positive she had while she was younger was her Aunt Luz. Sofia does seem to suffer from some PTSD from her surgery. Lisa did well on explaining panic attacks as someone who suffers from them it was the first time in a novel that they were explained well. I loved the run in that Burke and Sofia have in the beginning of the novel. I actually have a tab on the ice scene. I really enjoyed the flash backs of how Sofia's relationship with people was when she was younger as to where it stands now. It really helped in understanding why she thinks the way she does.

On to Burke... he of course is very handsome. I picture him almost like a lumberjack. He seems to genuinely want to help Sofia. However whenever he helps her she seems to have a set back. Burke is carrying a burden of his own that he doesn't want Sofia to know. He would like nothing more than to go back out to sea and forget he ever saw her again. They seem thrown into each other's path at every turn. He can't escape the feelings he has for her. I really loved how he stepped up and helped her and her friends when needed, he didn't care what the rest of the town thought.

a little snippet..

"Everytime we try to be apart, you end up in my arms,"he said, standing and leaving the hall on her heels. "I'm saying this okay? I care about you so fucking much, and that's why I'm telling you when it comes to me, if you've got to choose all or nothing, let it be nothing"

That took my heart right there and just broke it...

Overall while this was an enjoyable read it was a bit long for me. I would've liked to have seen a little bit of the drama cut out of it. I get that most HEA's have some angst in them but I felt these two could've talked a lot sooner than playing high school games with one another. I did enjoy the book and I will probably try another Lisa Marie Perry book just to see how her writing style evolves with this series. I do have a question for Lisa though, how did you research the store products?? While I was reading certain parts about the store I was like how does she know this?? :D