A review by vegancleopatra
Age Is Just a Number: Achieve Your Dreams at Any Stage in Your Life by Dara Torres, Elizabeth Weil


I will say this, if you have a great deal of interest in training to be a swimming champ you will likely enjoy this. Unfortunately, I don't. Or at least I don't have enough interest to listen to pages of stretching routine detail, for instance. But come on, that is just dull. Overall I did appreciate that she conveyed much of the swimming world and the training process. Lack of detail was one of the issues I had with Amanda Beard's book, which lacked much depth regarding the swimming world. However, Torres' book perhaps has too much detail on many tedious things (like stretching routines), at least for someone with minor interest.

In addition, the writing is not very strong, though the narrator of the AB helped me tolerate it a bit more. Also, the timeline of the book is all over the place. An A to B timeline would have really helped this book out. You never knew from page to page what time in Torres' life she would be speaking about.

Overall, not a terrible read but not an enjoyable one for me. If you're really into swimming you may enjoy it.