A review by ametie
Around My French Table: More Than 300 Recipes from My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan


Overall, I did like this cookbook. I made six of the recipes and half were awesome.
My notes on each are as follows:
Curried chicken on pg 221. This was fine buy I didn't love it. The flavors just weren't that special. I felt like it needed something.
Chicken Normandy on pg 218. I loved this. New-to-me flavor combo but it was delicious. I served with bread but it wasn't really necessary.
Mushroom Shallot Quiche on pg 162. NOTE: this recipe is sized for a tart pan. If you use an average pie pan, it won't puff up to become even with the crust. The flavors were great and my daughter asked me to make it again the next day.
Leek and Potato Soup on pg 66. This was fine. Not exciting. I think I need a better blender to get a improved consistency.
Cocoa Sables on pg 402. These were yummy and the recipe makes a large amount. Worth it to use a high quality cocoa powder since sugar doesn't overpower the cocoa flavor.
Chocolate Mousse on pg 421. This was great and quite easy to make. I will be making this again.

French food isn't necessarily my favorite cuisine but if I were to buy one French cookbook, it would be this one.