A review by audiobooks_sweettea
Life Is a 4-Letter Word: Laughing and Learning Through 40 Life Lessons (Humor Essays, Doctors & Medicine Humor, for Readers of the Family Cruci by David A. Levy


I don’t read a lot of non-fiction books. I find that they often can’t hold my attention well. But, once in while, I come across one that is written well, and in a way that instantly grips me. Levy’s Life Is A 4 Letter Word did that for me, and it kept me hooked til the end!

This little book is broken down into 40 life lessons, all written with humor and conviction and inspiration. Each one had me chuckling, each one had me ready for the next one. Levy’s essays are wonderfully written in a way that they truly capture the reader’s soul.

No matter if you are a fiction lover, or a non-fiction lover, this little book is for you. It’s a fast read. Each essay will leave you thinking about your life, having you smiling and embracing life with a new outlook. I highly recommend this to all. With Valentine’s Day, Easter, and more coming up, this would make a wonderful gift for those you love. Well done, Levy! I look forward to more.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*