A review by megatsunami
Proxy by Alex London


3.5 stars. Enjoyed the plot and character development quite a bit - there were a few BAD bad guys but otherwise people were pretty complex and multi-dimensional, and there were a lot of nuances in the characters' reactions to each other which I found very believable. The point-of-view changes between the two main characters was nicely done on the whole, except when it switched within a chapter/ scene, which was a little confusing.

Side note: The science at the end made ZERO sense to me.
SpoilerSo... in order to upload the virus, he has to broadcast it out over radio waves? But the radiation is so intense it will vaporize him? But it's happening within a contained chamber so it doesn't harm anyone nearby? But somehow it manages to broadcast its, uh, radiation, even though it's in a contained chamber? Perhaps I missed some key point of description. It led to a clever plot dilemma though.

Oh, also, I didn't buy the zoo scene: The animals wouldn't just immediately leap out and viciously attack all the humans once the invisible barriers came down. It would probably take some time for the animals to realize the barriers were down and then to have a reason to attack the humans.