A review by lbcecil
Out of the Woods by Syd McGinley


I was really surprised with how good this novel was and how much I really enjoyed it. It was incredible, the characters brilliant, the plot amazing! Tarin is such a funny character but what makes him so likeable is his ignorance. Tarin doesn't realise that the things he does are not "civilised" so his resulting actions are laugh-out-loud-rolling-on-floor hilarious! POXY BAD EGG SCAT EATER! Garrick or Beak-face is a really sweet character who only wants the best for Tarin. I really enjoed the way they met and the fact that Tarin stabbed him in the leg and escaped BUT NOT FOR LONG! I love the world that they live in as well. Its so different from anything I have ever read before. The Mothers are creepy but intriguing and I can't wait to discover more about them in the next novel. Oh and I love Ofer and Edon together. They are so cute :)

I hope that when Tarin does become civilised he still remains a little scat!!