A review by patrickwadden
Ru by Kim Thúy


It's a frustrating yet important thing that Goodreads doesn't allow gradations of stars for reviews. Sure some people start their reviews with their own numbering system, whether it be out of 5, 10 or even 100. But it's forced me in a positive way to deal more in absolutes when thinking about books. I finished 'Ru' about ~ 5 hours ago and I feel it is an extremely solid 3.5

Due to the above constraints, it's allowed me to take five hours to reflect on this very short book and decide if I should give it a 3 or a 4. Obviously, I chose the former.

Which is to say this book is written very well with some passages being just absolutely exemplary and the emotions and storied experiences being conveyed very poignant, it just felt somewhat sporadic and non-cohesive. Perhaps that's the strength of the memoir broken into short vingenttes but instead of leaving me with splashes on memory, I feel lost with feelings I don't know where to put and order