A review by magencorrie
Welcome to Sugartown by Carmen Jenner


4.5 stars!

My Thoughts

*Mature 18+*

First off, I must state that this book was not what I thought it would be. It turned into a very gritty, intense and emotional read; I was not expecting the dark edge that developed. However, I really enjoyed the dark intensity of the book. It made it a more enthralling read.

I adore Carmen Jenner! She is a great book blogger friend and an all-around awesome person, so to finally have read her book, was pretty amazing! She really gave me a book I could get lost in, and characters that I really enjoyed. Welcome to Sugartown was an enjoyable read!

The dark intensity of the book really did take me by surprise (though I was warned about it beforehand), I wasn’t expecting the turns that this book took. Nonetheless, it was gripping in its story building, and the way that Carmen told her story. So I will warn future lovers of this book, beware, this book will make you emotional unstable at points. And if you don’t like intense, gritty, and dark reads, I would be careful picking this one up.

I really did enjoy the characters. It has the perfect mix of that sexy bad boy, and sweet yet tough heroine. Anna is a really strong chick, and I enjoyed that about her. She did want she wanted and be damned what others said. Ana goes through quite a lot when sexy bad boy Elijah enters her world. And, oh gosh, my heart really went out for her, but what is so amazing about this character is her inner strength. That came shining through in the book and when Ana was faced with some very emotional, hard situations.

Elijah, as stated before, is one sexy, tattooed bad boy. And well, he really is a bad boy. I adore bad boys, so of course I did adore this character. He brought in the perfect challenge for the story line, and for Ana. Elijah has quite the demons in his past, but he is trying to start anew. That leads him to Sugartown, and to a pretty blonde that changes his world. Elijah also goes through a lot in this book, and I loved seeing him overcome the challenges he faced. Though he didn’t always make the right choices, and at one point I wanted to beat him with a brick, he did turn around. He really came through for Ana when she needed him.

The book is filled with some very entertaining and enjoyable characters. I really liked Ana’s best friend, she added that sassy spunk to the book. And of course I can’t forget Ana’s little brother! He was absolutely adorable! Carmen did a great job in adding a great cast of characters in her book.

The romance was definitely steamy! It had a very intense factor and the sexy scenes were well-written. I found the love and the developing romance -though a bit fast paced-to be nice. Ana and Elijah’s love really does get tested, and though it was a lot of drama and angst. It was a fun and emotional to read.

The only thing I thought was that the pacing was a bit fast at the beginning, and that some things escalated too fast too soon. However, once I really got into the book, it got a lot better and before long I was swept away with the story.

Welcome to Sugartown is an emotional, dark, edgy, sexy, and gritty read. It had a good balance between sweet and dark. Elijah was intense and raw, and Ana was a girl with a very strong will. The book also held a bit of Sons of Anarchy feel to it, I liked that vibe. I definitely recommend this book to lovers of dark, sexy romances. With intense characters and a very emotional story line.