A review by cpcabaniss
Heir of Novron by Michael J. Sullivan, Michael J. Sullivan


"Happiness comes from moving toward something. When you run away, ofttimes you bring your misery with you."

It's been a few years since I first read this and I think I probably like it more this time around. There are a lot of bittersweet moments in this, which I think is part of what makes it so wonderful.

The characters are amazing. Honestly, I love them all. Royce is at the top of the list, of course, and his bromance with Hadrian is brilliant. But then there are Gwen, and Myron, and Mauven, and Arista, and Amelia, and Breckton. So many characters to root for and love.

This is one of the best endings to a series I've ever read. Just brilliant. If you haven't read these yet, please do.

Tim Gerard Reynolds is excellent for the narration of these on audio, so if you like that format, you're in for a treat.