A review by kindlebabe
If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay


This was such a twisty read with lots of turns! I sat down with this book and read in it one sitting. ADDICTIVE. I absolutely love Alex Finlay’s writing and just can’t get enough of it! When I saw this book was coming out and I was approved I lost my mind! Definitely hold onto your britches for this one. If you love police procedural with multiple POV, lots of amazing characters, lots of mob related goodness with coverups, revenge, secrets then this book is for you.

We follow a couple who encounter a nightmare of a night where he is assaulted and she is taken and has never been found even a handful of years later. Without saying too much because you have to read to find out for yourself, characters find themselves elbows deep in investigating/trying to solve the mystery while falling deep into some secrets that are not supposed to be uncovered regarding the mob. I was sitting on the edge up until the very last page. This book is absolutely a book to have on your tbr and while you’re at it toss ALL of Finlay’s books on your tbr because hands down one of my favorite authors!