A review by _readingtherainbow_
Determined Mate by Toni Griffin


I didn't like this one as much as the first one. I loved the friendship between Jason and Brian, but the relationship happened way too quickly, especially after everything Jason has just been through. He was so against being around his mate because of what happened to him, then a couple of weeks later he is fine, and things then move along really quickly. Jason still suffers from the aftereffects of what happened to him, like his nightmares, but he is now fine with Alex being near him. I know they are mates and have that pull to each other, but things happen to quickly for me.

Alex and Jason are very sweet together, and I did love how Jason helped him through the hard times. They mated pretty quick, and then the physical side of things happened too soon for me. I also didn't like how what happened to Jason was used as a continued plot point. He didn't need to go through that twice, and neither did the readers.

SpoilerJason is raped, and we see him go through the aftereffects of that. He suffers from nightmares and flashbacks. We don't see it happen on page, but we are told about it. It almost happens again near the end. Jason's recovery happens pretty quickly and not true to life. The rape is used as a continued plot point.