A review by megancortez
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig


"It is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see."

I got this book from B&N literally last night and I just finished it, laying on my couch in tears. Not heavy tears. Not chest heaving tears. Not even really sad tears. Tears of emotion overflowing.This book captures and displays so beautifully (and personably) the contentment that comes after a really good, cathartic explosion; the burst of a sweet and tangy grape against the roof of your mouth, as Keats would say. Chaos. Vibrance. Sweetness. Calm.

This is one of those stories that invigorates my sense of splendor and wonder at being alive! I will definitely keep this on the shelf and save it for a rainy day when I need some help to reach again what is "on the other side of despair".

Strongly recommend!