A review by chelsloukelly
Cloak of Night by Evelyn Skye


3.5/5 Stars: ‘Cloak of Night’ (Book #2 of ‘Circle of Shadows’) by Evelyn Skye.
→ Age Range: Young Adult.
→ Genre: Adventure, Magical Fantasy.
→ Trigger Warnings: Death, Tyranny, Mentions of Suicide.

In-depth Rating:
→ Plot: ★★★★
→ Character Development: ★★★★
→ Setting: ★★
→ Entertainment Level: ★★★★★
→ Writing: ★★★

General Comments: Full of menacing action, heart-breaking romance, and incredible magic; an exciting end to this thrilling duology, where the stakes are higher and even more personal. It resolves the story-line in a satisfactory manner, tying up all the loose ends rather neatly – impressive given the broad and immense structure of the plot; however, the magic system was wasted potential, lacking development.

Favourite Quote: ‘Work hard. Mischief harder.’

Time Read: Four Days.
→ Audiobook: Yes.
→ Audiobook Narrator: Eileen Stevens.