A review by horrorghoul
Remains by Andrew Cull


TW: Murder, loss of a child, depression, mentions of suicide, divorce, blasphemy

About the book:Driven to a breakdown by the brutal murder of her young son, Lucy Campbell had locked herself away, fallen deep inside herself, become a ghost haunting room 23b of the William Tuke Psychiatric Hospital.There she'd remained, until the whispering pulled her back, until she found herself once more sitting in her car, calling to the son she had lost, staring into the black panes of the now abandoned house where Alex had died.
Release Date: August 1st, 2019
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Pages: 203
Rating: ⭐️⭐️

What I Liked:
1. Mention of the Zodiac killer
2. The plot of this book on paper sounded creepy and heartbreaking
3. The book read fast
4. The writing style was okay

What I Didn't Like:
1. Chapters too short
2. Never really get to know Lucy
3. A lot of errors
4. Some parts of the book were confusing

Overall Thoughts: How did Lucy get the job at The Chronicle? She is released from the hospital and starts at The Chronicle shortly afterwards, but how did she get the job when she's been gone for 6 months?

It bothered me that the chapters were so short. I would be getting into the story and then the chapter ends. It makes me feel as though I can't get immersed into the story.

There was a scene with some kids but it says there are 3 shadows but then goes on to name 4 kids that are there.

This book lost me when she goes and buys the house her son was murdered in. Ummm okay. So there are so so many problems with this. First isn’t the owners of the house the ones that owned it when her son was murdered there? Why would they sell this house to her? Second where did she just come up with money to buy that she offered well above asking price? We don’t even know anything about her to say if this is even possible. Does she share an account with her husband even though they are getting a divorce? Oh and then rushing through the paperwork to get the house in 36 hours. No, no, no!

Final Thoughts: I hate to dnf a book but this one just had too much wrong with it that I just couldn’t get past. I felt like there were too many plot holes. Not enough character backgrounds. Not getting to know the characters just made me not care about what happens to them. Her boy was just a boy that died in the book and I had no emotion to it. Not knowing anything about Lucy and her only character device was that she lost her son just wasn’t enough for me.

It says in the forward that this is loosely based on a true story so I suppose that is interesting.

Recommend For:
• People that like short books
• Short chapters
• Ghost stories
• Unreliable narrators
• Mentions of true crime | Zodiac Killer
