A review by erinarkin20
Wolf Bride by Elizabeth Moss


Wolf Bride by Elizabeth Moss was a book I came across due to a book blogger friend’s review. I have to admit, I love everything tied to the Tudors and at first I glance I almost passed this one up but after reading the review, I went ahead and requested it. If you love the story of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn you might enjoy this story. They both make appearances and while they aren’t what I would consider the main characters, both Eloise and Wolf are tied to the royal family.

Wolf Bride is the story of Eloise Tyrell, a lady-in-waiting to Anne Boleyn, and Lord Wolf, one of the King’s favored soldiers. Lord Wolf is ready to marry and having grown up near the Tyrell’s he decides to negotiate with Eloise’s father for her hand. Unfortunately for Eloise, she had her eye on someone else and when she is told about her upcoming betrothal, she isn’t exactly excited about it. With that said, she accepts the decision but Wolf does not make it easy.

As the story continues, they both make mistakes in their interactions with each other and a little conversation could have probably fixed some of the problems. As they both figure out how to live with each other, they are pulled into the drama of what is happening with Henry and Anne. As Anne’s lady-in-waiting, Thomas Cromwell is looking to question Eloise about Anne’s activities while married to Henry.

Navigating the politics of the royal court as well as a new marriage isn’t easy for either of these two but they continue to be drawn to each other and work to figure out what to do in order to get back to their manor in the North and away from the danger of the court. One thing is certain, regardless of their feelings toward each other, their chemistry is there and the only thing that might have made it better was if I was more invested in either of these characters.

Overall I enjoyed this book. It has a great mix of history tied into a fictional story and Moss has created the beginnings of a solid series. I am definitely interested to see where Moss takes the story with Eloise’s sister as she was one of the more interesting characters introduced in this book. Consider checking this one out if you enjoy a historical that has an interesting story and some definitely hot times.

Thank you to Sourcebooks for the review copy!