A review by the_coycaterpillar_reads
End of the Line by Robert Scragg


End of the Line is book four in the Porter & Styles detective series. I haven’t read the first three books, but I will be rectifying that as soon as I’m able to. The opening of the book gives the reader a glimpse into what they can expect and that is adrenaline. Its everything that I would expect to experience as a police officer serving the Metropolitan area. There’s spice, a huge dollop of action and all surrounded by the humanity of humankind. Robert Scragg certainly knows how to write people, as in, they are more than their identity as an officer of the law. They have feelings and emotions and the surging desire to get to the truth.

End of the Line introduces us to both Porter & Styles for the fourth time. At no point did I feel that I was missing out on crucial characterisation background. Scragg fills in the gaps like a meticulous builder. There are no gaps that something important can fall through. We know that Porter has had an extremely tough four years after his wife was killed in a hit and run. The what if’s still plague him, and her ghost is still an ever-present shadow over every aspect of his life, his new relationship with fellow cop, Evie, and his job. It’s a heart-breaking and difficult line to tread but the reader is in good hands with Scragg.

End of the Line has achieved something that a lot of authors struggle to do to me. He has me fully invested in the team from the very start. The easy relationship they all have with each other, the common goal of having each other’s back regardless of how it is going to look to their ogre of a Superintendent Boss. They know what is at stake and do anything to get that result. Its obvious that Scragg has the same feelings. You can tell from the intensity of the narrative that this team means a lot to him too. You can almost see the blood, sweat and tears coming through the kindle!

End of the Line is extremely relevant. We have the social themes that are running through not only our country but our communities. Brexit and the rising popularity of the extreme right politics. The author has ingrained these themes into the plot extremely well. The plot is extremely real. Scarily so. Porter’s involvement in this case intertwines with trying to get a result into his wife’s killer behind the scenes. He’s burning the candle at both ends and something must give.

The story is extremely clever and the heart of it is a ticking timebomb. Can the team get to the root of it when there are so many political dalliances are at play? One wrong move and the media will eat them alive and if they don’t move quickly enough the entire Met will come under a microscope. The team are walking a tightrope.

End of the Line is a story about vengeance and healing. Scragg’s realistic but dramatic narrative makes it a compulsive read.