A review by thatbookishgem
The Six by Luca Veste


On the whole, this was a decent thriller, if not a little long-winded at times. Whilst I largely enjoyed the plot, at a little over 400 pages it could easily had lost 200 of them, which would have kept the pace better – especially in the second half.

It started well. There was a real throwback vibe with the 90s music festival (I loved all the 90s TV and music references!) and I enjoyed the relationship with the six main friends, which felt mostly natural and easy to read.

The main event which results in the murder and cover up of a man was eventful, and decidedly creepy. I liked the slower pace here as it fully established the tension and fear of the group, and the true-crime fan in me liked the serial killer edge this section had. I also loved the setting: the forest at midnight. Perfect. A little cliched, maybe, but it felt believable and right for the tone of the novel.

Find the full review over on my blog: https://thatbookishgem.com/2021/05/07/review-the-six-by-luca-veste/#more-13279