A review by nooralshanti
The Future is Japanese: Science Fiction Futures and Brand New Fantasies from and about Japan by Project Itoh, Catherynne M. Valente, Rachel Swirsky, Masumi Washington, Hideyuki Kikuchi, Bruce Sterling, Ekaterina Sedia, Felicity Savage, Nick Mamatas, Issui Ogawa, David Moles, Hirotaka Tobi, Pat Cadigan, Toh EnJoe, Ken Liu


EDIT: Edited to Add that this is a review of Mono no Aware, not all the stories

I cried. I don't often do that when reading short stories. Especially if they're about space. But there you are. It was an excellent exploration of humanity, of what it means to be a hero, and an excellent little window into Japanese culture.

Go check it out. It will take you less than half an hour to read it and you will be enriched by it whether you like sci fi or not.

And I'll end the review here because it's a short so I don't want it to get too spoilery.