A review by amybraunauthor
The Vanishing Deep by Astrid Scholte


Hopefully my review be coherent because this story has me SHOOK. I love it, and it broke me. Where do I begin?

The concept is so imaginative and exciting. I was hooked from the first line, and the beautiful writing completely enraptured me.

The characters are complex. Tempest was hard to be close to, but the more I think on her, the more I understand her actions. Her sister is the sweetest, and Lor. LOR. That boy completely stole my heart to the last. They are all broken and grieving and healing and I never stopped rooting for them.

And this book is heavy. It’s deep and tragic and threw me in a huge book hangover. But I cared for it. It made me think, made me feel, carried an important message. If you’re looking for a story to completely snare you emotions, this is it. A must read!