A review by bitchinbookclubb
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix


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The Southern Book Club’s Guide To Slaying Vampies by Grady Hendrix ⭐️If you are a fan of this book, do not read any further.

I’ll be honest, by page 20, I was in love with this book. It stopped being good shortly after. I’ve never read a more grossly misogynistic book in my life. This takes place in 1988, & for the few people that claiming historical accuracy, I ask you to leave that argument behind.
Number one, every single wife in this book has a horrible husband that doesn’t show one sign of respect. Two, they are all stay at home moms who’s children hate them and act horribly in front of their kids. There is a part where the dad keeps punishing the mom while in the middle of punishing their son. I don’t think husbands would have gotten away with that shit in 1920 nonetheless 1990’s. The black characters were just as poorly represented. All black characters live in poverty, get accused of drug use, and the cops blame them for everything. I mean this book came out this year and this is where we are taking this story? During the climax of this book, one woman starts talking about what everyone is getting their families for Christmas. Is this truly how this author thinks women react in times of crisis? Also at this same peak part, a woman catches a weapon and this is a direct quote, “for the first time in her life, (she) caught something thrown to her.” Seriously, on top of women being idiots we also have ZERO hand eye coordination??? At one point, in the middle of a woman being attacked, the author wrote she was feeling scared and slightly aroused. YEAH SURE JAN.

I will say I do not think the author personally feels this way at all. I do not think he is sexist or racist by any means. But I think that this book is dangerously “campy” in the sense that the sexism and racism neither propelled or affected the storyline in any way. I grew up on “scary movie” and 90s humor/horror movies so I understand how to take a campy character but it needs to have a purpose. This book was extremely frustrating to read. I’m so sorry to any one who loves this book.