A review by vj1990
Building Up to Love by J.V. Speyer


2 Stars

Quick Summary
Jared is a contractor in construction who just got out of a relationship because his girlfriend moved away. When he meets his ex Logan who is also his new client, he is not happy. Logan, on the other hand, wants to apologize for the hurtful things he said when they broke up in college and reconnect, but Jared is determined not to be receptive. However, Logan's job as a defense attorney puts him in danger, so he asks for Jared's help and over time, they begin to rekindle their old relationship.

This book perfectly explains why I am so hesitant to read books in the second chance romance genre. There is such a huge danger of the book just losing the spark of passion and the journey of falling in love. Instead of seeing why Logan fell in love with Jared again or vice versa, this book just came off to me as a lot of Logan apologizing until Jared finally forgave him. It didn't really have any true "romance" in it, because I honestly could not tell you why Jared and Logan fit and were right for each other. There was really no chemistry between them that I could see. Plus, I thought Logan was kind of a jerk in college and got off way too easy for the legitimate hatred that poured out of him. I do understand the influence of parents on upbringing, but I feel like college is all about taking responsibility for your words and actions. At that point, being ignorant is a choice, especially about an identity so integral to your boyfriend.
SpoilerLogan says some really hateful biphobic things to Jared before breaking up with him.
I kind of felt like Logan got off really easy and he didn't quite deserve Jared. On a positive note, biphobia was pretty decently represented. There are definitely people that hold such strong views about bisexuality, and the book did a good job bringing attention to the fact that it isn't just the fundamentalist Bible-clutchers who are capable of hate.

The book was also quite long and sometimes boring to read. There were many dialogues and not too much of Logan and Jared just being a couple, which is my favourite part.

SpoilerAlso, it is totally uncool (in my opinion) for a brother to continually give someone who said such hateful things about your family access to that person, even if they were your roommate. I have a brother, and that is totally not okay. Personally, I think a fair reaction is something along the lines of an interrogation and dissection of that person's entire life before giving them any sort of help, but hey, that's me.

I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.