A review by gadicohen93
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh


With all of its flaws, this book's managed to worm its way into my heart. I read 95% of it on a 9-hour flight, with some significant chunks missing due to meals/sleep/walking around. I felt the style similar to Wuthering Heights, now that I think about it--reflecting back years later on past tragedies, removed from them, from their characters, but not from their settings, and in the darkness of the English countryside no less.

I liked Charles a lot as a protagonist. I trusted him, even though his sexuality confused me, and I had no idea why he liked Sebastian. Maybe that's the reason the book failed to totally entrance me until about halfway through. I don't know what happened to make me like it so much toward the end--maybe a shift in style, or the decline of Sebastian. I don't know. I just know, though, that the rest of the book was totally awesome and hilarious at times and insightful and others.

I'm warning, though, of a long, slow beginning.