A review by efags
Mrs Death Misses Death by Salena Godden

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
A really fun premise with very disappointing execution. I thinn I only finished this book out of spite. Based on the blurb and the disclaimer section, I thought it would be a fantasy comedy similar to Mort. The experimental writing style instead, at times, made it feel like the unedited psychotic ramblings of someone with a lot of ideas and no through line. A real struggle to read or enjoy. Parts we well written, with good pace and enjoyable turns of phrase. Huge chunks were laboured, clunky, and a struggle to get through. I might come back and read another time, but now I know what to expect, but I probably won't. The overall message of "people are good" is nice but not well done and certainly not surprising. I have no issue with an author making a cliché but true point. I do have issues if they do it through a mix of storytelling, ramblings, and tough to read experimental poetry.