A review by wynonnar
Den of Vipers by K.A. Knight


I'd give the smut 4.5 stars but the plot was 3 because it felt like there was a lot of extraneous points happening in the last 150 pages that didn't seem overly pertinent to the plot or the smut.

Ok I slept on it. The plot wasn't even there. ***Spoiler but when they go to kill her dad I literally just skimmed thru it to get back to the smut. That scene came out of nowhere in my opinion, we stopped reading about her dad being a piece of shit like 200 pages before, not to mention she never talked about wanting him dead, she talked about wanting to escape him which she did, he had no more control over her life and his death did nothing for her as a character but sure him selling her started the whole "plot" but that was pretty much it. And I get it, his death is supposed to represent the Vipers never allowing someone to hurt or disrespect them but I think there would have been strength in not even needing to acknowledge his existence, like they said in the beginning of the book the Vipers did to people that meant nothing to them.

My next big issue 150 pages of forcing this perfect HEA because she deserved it but it just felt so cringey, I don't mind a shallow relationship in a subpar smut book because let's be real we're not in it for a plot but you only get so many pages of making this fit into novel length before it gets boring and extraneous. Realistically this book could have been edited down 200 pages and had her passed around from each guy after the big rescue for 4+ chapters and been more enjoyable than so much of "we're building this perfect house that Kenzo would have always wanted, and she's the perfect business woman whose genitals quake at every nice or terrible thing ever done for her" Kenzo and the Vipers could have built a magnificent mansion at any time before her since they built a whole ass high rise. Also I just love how all of their foreplay is "Look they're hot".

I'm still rating it 3 stars tho because it was fun for what it was.