A review by gissellereads
A Woman Is No Man by Etaf Rum


Synopsis: This is the story of three generations of Palestine women who are oppressed by their culture told in two different time periods. Isra moves to Brooklyn after an arranged married and finds herself in an abusive relationship and shamed for not having a son. Years later we also follow Deya, her daughter, who grows up in Brooklyn mainly raised by her grandmother and suddenly finds herself battling with the same circumstances her mother had to endure while at the same time trying to find out what happened to her parents, who died when she was young. Deya feels she has no voice and is not allowed to make any choices for her life.

Review: It is hard for me to fully express how I feel about this book. All I can say is please go read it! I am so glad I read this book, it is one of those books that will stay with me for a long time. I felt so many emotions while reading it. I really felt for the three women, I was angry at them, I felt sorry for them, but at the end of the day I respected them.

This book opened my eyes about what goes on in some cultures and makes me appreciate my freedom. I get to choose who I marry, who I love, what I do with my life, I even get to choose to read a book and they dont. These women were denied these things simply because they were women. Their place was to have children, cook and clean. Yes there are other books out there that cover this topic but the voice Etaf provided these characters is different and what immerses you into the story.

If you are a fan of the Kite runner (one of my all-time favorite books) or A thousand splendid suns you’ll enjoy this book. It was emotionally draining so you’ll need something light and fluffy to read afterwards.