A review by rorythebookworm
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace


4.5/5 ⭐️

this has been one of my favorite reads of 2023 easily. it so such a fun read i found myself giggling and kicking my feet the entire time. my favorite thing about this book was how 3 dimensional and relatable the MCs felt. anastasia specifically. i found so much of myself and her personality within me. the talks of therapy, mental health, and healthy communication was GOD TIER! finally a book couple that can communicate healthily and be respectful of one another. an honorable mention to the spice in this book because it surely did not disappont. if i could live in this book i would. NATE HAWKINS YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS!!

i docked off half a star because the book just felt a tab bit too long and the drama with aaron was a bit dragged out and plateaued for me around the 300 page mark. other than that, this was a goal in my book. i am ready to be a hockey gf now